Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Top 10 Consumer Complaints

If you are in business in any way, shape or form, you will ultimately be faced with the situation of how to handle consumer complaints. Most businesses, especially manufacturing companies, live and die by customer feedback. Handling customer complaints is an important part of keeping your business healthy and profitable.

No person can please all of the people all and that goes for doing business also. So, you need to be able to successfully resolve consumer complaints for you to be able to effectively continue doing business while at the same time attracting new customers.

To help you further understand and familiarise issues about consumer complaints, you should check out an article posted by Herb Weisbaum at Entrepreneur. The article enumerated and explained the top 10 consumer complaints brands usually face.

You can read more here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/227698 

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Will Home Ownership Really Make You Happy?

Having the confidence and pride that you have your own home may be the primary reason why a lot of people want to buy their own home that they can call their own. This simply means; if you own it, you can do anything with it. Moreover, you have this sense of security and stability when you have your own home. It's like an investment, a preparation for your future.

Another good reason why you should buy your own home is that real estate is a good defence against inflation. It has constantly appreciated even though it moves in different cycles. Another reason is that the mortgage interest can be fully deducted on the homeowner’s income tax return given that your mortgage balance is less than the property's price.

To learn more advantages of having your own home, you can check out an article posted at Money Ning. The article reveals if homeowners really feel happier than those who rents.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

How to Engage Customers on a Dime

Customer engagement is commonly defined as the relationship a company has with its customers that later transcends the sales transaction. It's an emotional bond whereby the customer demonstrates a real concerned to see the company do well because they benefit from that company.

Engaging your customers begins with understanding how your customers would like to be served. There are many businesses that are enjoying customer trust and confidence by making their solid marketing strategies. This certainly means that they are emphasising their business marketing in a flawless manner.

Most of these companies are making good use of social media and networking services. These strategy allows some businesses to stay ahead of their competitors and listen to their customers’ claims, suggestions and comments.

An article posted by Jim Joseph can help you understand how you can enhance your sales. The article talks about a step-by-step process toward creating a brand experience for the customer that builds loyalty.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

What Happens When Companies Pay Employees the Best Salaries

Even before the inventions and technology, the human workforce has been pointed out as the single mass factor in the existence of a business. The human workforce is what makes a business move. The human workforce has been the drive that established many businesses that have shaped the advancement of every society.

Today, modern business practices already use an integrated human resource system to improve their operational control of employee relations. The purpose of these businesses is to enhance their workers’ productivity by building good working relationship and giving their employees some incentives and rewards.

One of the most common rewards businesses give to their employees is high salaries. An article posted by Luke Landes at Consumerism Commentary talks about the effects when companies pay their employees the best salaries.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Having a good marketing plan is very important; it provides you with some information that enables you to measure how you are progressing. This can then highlight strategies that are working for you and those that are not. It can also help you to determine if there are any gaps in the market that will provide new opportunities for you. Your marketing plan will also help you to focus on your target market.

Moreover, an excellent marketing plan will also benefit you in that it provides your outside investors with confidence that you know your market and that you know how to achieve your objectives.

However, having a marketing plan is not enough; it should also be effective. Tara Gentile published an interesting article at YFS Magazine that can help you determine if your marketing plan is good enough or it needs to be changed.